On arrival at an assignment the Health Care Assistant will introduce him or herself and should be recognisable by their identification badge and uniform.
- Your Health care Assistant will TOUCH in with their mobile phone to the QR Code placed in your service user welcome pack.
- The Health Care Assistant will also TOUCH OUT using the same procedure when leaving.
- There is no cost to you the Service User. This procedure allows the company to monitor your care package electronically and to ensure that each visit is carried out in agreement with your care plan.
Once assigned their duties the Health Care Assistant will carry out the tasks in accordance with the wishes of the Service User. Those may include the following:

Personal Hygiene
- Help with dressing and undressing.
- Help with shaving.
- Help with mouth care.
- Help with washing and bathing.
- Help with food preparation.
- Feeding Service Users as necessary with meals and fluids.
- Help to and from the toilet or commode.
- Maintaining a high standard of cleanliness with equipment used.
Report Writing
For Service Users, Health Care Assistants will record on care plans the company provides all tasks they have carried out, and should also include relevant information relating to the day-to-day condition of the Service User. The record of care should be signed and dated on leaving.
The above is a general guide to what you should expect from your Health care Assistant however a flexible approach to all care tasks is encouraged.
- Help with incontinence pads i.e. changing and disposing of.
- Emptying and changing of catheter bags.
- Assistance as required to and from toilet.
- Washing and ironing.
- Maintaining the Service Users own standards of cleanliness.