This Policy reflects the commitment of the company to the autonomy and independence of the Service User.
The main concern of this company is the service user’s quality of life. The company encourages active independence, and where possible, arranges with other concerned agencies the provision of aids and adaptations, which allow Service Users to move freely around their home.
Service Users rights relating to independence
- To care for themselves as far as they are able and willing without interference from this company or its staff.
- To have their cultural, religious, sexual, emotional and other needs accepted and respected.
- To be consulted on all aspects of there care and take an active part in the resulting decision-making.
- To privacy, for themselves, they’re belongings and their affairs.
- To respect their family, friends and visitors and accept on occasions care might need to be terminated or times re-arranged (within reason) to allow for special occasion’s i.e. birthday parties, anniversaries etc.
These are examples only and there will be other legitimate entries that may be included.
What may not be included is information, data or other material that cannot legitimately be shown to be related directly or indirectly to affording the Service User quality care.