Kelly Park provides social care and support to people in their homes, regardless of their age.
We provide a mixture of care and support- practical help with cooking, cleaning, laundry and other household chores. We provide personal care to people who may need help with their daily tasks like washing and dressing, use the toilet or bathing. If a person uses a catheter or continence pads, we can also help with this.
We also help with social support – enabling people to become or remain independent in their homes, assisting with their social wants and needs, and helping them get back into their local community, or make contact for the first time.
Contacting our office direct means that you will be dealing directly with the people who provide the care. They will then arrange with the person who wants the care and support, and anyone else they wish to be there, to have an assessment from one of our Facilitators or Primary Response Team.
By talking with the person due to receive the care and support they find out certain things – questions about health, illnesses, mobility, likes and dislikes, needs and wants are asked so we have a good picture of not only what they want, but how we can enable them to live the way they want.
We also check the house to make sure it is safe from fire risk and any trip hazards are noted.
We next try to match the person with a particular Health Care Assistant. If someone is not happy with their Health Care Assistant for a particular reason we will do what we can to find someone more suitable.
We will not allow discriminatory requests from our service users or their families.
We then make sure the times and tasks agreed are correct – so for example, if someone would like to be taken out to buy breakfast out each Sunday, we make sure this want is recorded in a document called a Care Plan.
The Care Plan is kept in the person’s home, and is used to record how the person is, any observations about their health or mood, to make sure that any other care workers who may provide care are able to know how someone is. It is also used to record what time a care worker arrives and leaves the call.
Every few months (or sooner if the circumstances or wants change) the person is reassessed to make sure they are receiving the correct level – not too little, and not too much – of care and support.
We will meet with every person and talk with them to see what their needs may be, including mobility. We will then make sure they have the things we might need to help them and us achieve the tasks you need us to do. So for example, we will make sure we have a safe hoist that we can use to help people in and out of bed, or in and out of the bath.
Our Health Care Assistants are trained to move people safely. We use hoists and other assistance where we can so it’s safe for the person being moved and safe for the care workers – the older styles of ‘lifting’ can be unsafe for the person lifting if they do it a lot. By using hoists, or other methods we can make sure it’s safe for them too.
Our care and support is a little or as much as you want. We enable people to do things themselves – the whole ethos of our care is doing with, not doing for. Our care workers are monitored.