If you have an enquiry, concern or complaint:
The company takes all complaints seriously, and will investigate them fully before taking any action. Our complaints procedure takes into account the needs of service users and care staff.
Please note that complaint contacts and information vary depending on each local authority. Please download our PDF complaints procedure HERE
The complaint should be directed to the Manager. All reported complaints either verbal or written would be acknowledged within five working days. Every effort will be made to resolve the complaint and to provide a full response to the complainant within 28 days.
Address information for the Care Quality Commission and other address details
Kelly Park Limited
Suite 32-33 Derwentside Centre Consett Business Park Consett Durham DH8 6BP
Telephone: 01207 580091
Fax: 01207 580092
Email: carefacilitators@kellypark.co .uk
A record will be kept of all complaints, investigations and subsequent actions. This will be impartial and accurate.
The COMPLAINTS RECORD FORM – DC01 provides a format for the recording of complaints and subsequent investigations and action, and will be used in all cases. Investigations will be thorough, impartial, and will, where appropriate, take account of all the people involved. Conclusions will never be reached before hearing an independent account from everyone present at any incident.
Where any subsequent action is deemed necessary, the Manager’s advice and consent will be given if the complaint involves any member of staff, if the policies of the company are affected, or if a second opinion or advice is required for any other reason.
If the Manager is unable to investigate the complaint, either because of its seriousness or any other reason, then the Responsible Individual will be informed, and he / she will carry out the investigation.
Kelly Park Limited believes that, wherever possible, complaints are best dealt with on a local level between the complainant and Kelly Park Limited. If either of the parties is not satisfied by a local process or outcome the case should be referred to the Care Quality Commission and Local Authority.
The Care Quality Commission contact details are :
Newcastle Upon Tyne
Telephone: 03000 616161
Fax: 03000 616171
Complaint Officer
Adult & Health Services Durham County Council Room 2/130
County Hall
Count Durham
Telephone: 03000 268418
Email: ahscomplaints@durham.gov.uk
If we are unable or cannot resolve your complaint satisfactorily any unresolved concerns can be referred to the Local Government Ombudsman:-
Local Government Ombudsman & Social Care Ombudsman
Po Box 4771
Adviceline: 03000 610614
Text ‘callback’ to 07624811595 and someone from the LGSCO will ring you back.
Website: lgo.org.uk