Handling Money and Financial Matters on Behalf of a Service User Purpose
The policy describes the procedures to be taken with regard to the handling of Service Users financial matters. For obvious reasons, it would be preferable not to become involved with Service Users financial affairs; however on occasions this will be unavoidable. To safeguard both Service User and members of staff, the following procedures must be strictly followed.
Handling Service Users cash for shopping and pension collections
Each Service User will be issued with DAILY RECORD. This book will be used for recording all cash transactions. On receiving cash for shopping or a pension book for collection, the following procedure is to be followed
- Record that you have received cash (exact amount) and pension book from the Service User.
- When shopping you must keep all receipts as proof of purchase. On completion of shopping and pension collection, details of the purchases made, the change, amount of pension collected are to be recorded in the DAILY RECORD under financial transactions in the back section.
- When shopping you must Receipts will be shown to the Service User, and pension book returned, once satisfied, the receipts are to be attached DAILY RECORD, this entry must be signed and dated by the Service User.all receipts as proof of purchase. On completion of shopping and pension collection, details of the purchases made, the change, amount of pension collected are to be recorded in the DAILY RECORD under financial transactions in the back section.

Handling Cheques and Cash for banking
- In the absence of family, staff may be required to write a cheque on behalf of a Service User, this is to be noted in the Care Plan Notes. The cheque is to be written exactly to the Service Users instructions in the presence of the Service User, and the Service User must sign the cheque.
- Where a cheque is to be used for paying a bill, a receipted invoice will be obtained for the amount paid and this receipt returned to the Service User as before.
- Health care Assistants are not allowed to withdraw money using a Service Users cash point card using the Service Users PIN number.
- If a cheque is given to a member of staff to cash on the Service Users behalf, then a record of this transaction is recorded in the DAILY RECORD. When the withdrawal has been made and the cash given to the Service User, this is also to be recorded in the DAILY RECORD together with the Service User’s signature and date as proof they have received the cash.
- If the Service User requires a member of staff to deposit cash/cheques into their bank account, this will be carried out in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. The stamped pay-in book will be returned to the Service User and receipted in accordance with paragraph (c) above.